Crossing between BSC and ETH on ChainSwap.

Crossing from BSC to ETH

1. Visit ChainSwap at

2. Connect your wallet, e.g., MetaMask ...

3. Select and connect your "From" network: Binance Smart Chain (BSC) through your wallet.

4. Select asset and enter the swap amount.

5. Select destination network: ETH

6. Confirm swap amount and click deposit.

7. Confirm transaction.

8. Submit your transaction with extension wallet. You can track the progress here↓

9. Once transaction confirmed, click withdraw on destination network.

10. Make sure to switch to destination network for withdraw.

11. Confirm withdraw and submit transaction with extension wallet.

12. Once confirmed, your asset will arrive to your destination wallet shortly.

Crossing from ETH to BSC

1. Visit ChainSwap at

2. Connect your wallet, e.g., MetaMask ...

3. Select and connect your "From" network: Ethereum Mainnet (ETH) through your wallet.

4. Select asset and enter the swap amount.

5. Select destination network: BSC

6. Confirm swap amount and click deposit.

7. Confirm transaction.

8. Submit your transaction with extension wallet. You can track the progress here↓

9. Once transaction confirmed, click withdraw on destination network.

10. Make sure to switch to destination network for withdraw.

11. Confirm withdraw and submit transaction with extension wallet.

12. Once confirmed, your asset will arrive to your destination wallet shortly.

Last updated